The 8 Best CSGO Keybinds That Pros Use (2025 Guide)

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Written By: Lorenzo â€¢ Updated: 06/05/2021

When it comes to an incredibly competitive game like CS:GO, gaining any type of edge can be the difference between winning and losing.

Where pros differ from regular gamers is mainly due to their game sense, aim prowess, and efficiency.

Hence why we made a list of the best CSGO keybinds that pros use, so you can achieve the same level of efficiency as they do.

These keybinds will allow you to make fewer mistakes with your movement and grenade throwing, allow you to clutch easier, and react faster.

Executing these keybinds would be easier if you had high-quality peripherals. Check out our guides on choosing the perfect gaming keyboard and gaming mouse for CSGO.

Enough said, let's get started!

TL;DR - The 8 Best CSGO Keybinds 2021

Copy and paste these into the developer's console (unless stated otherwise).

Below are the best CSGO keybinds you can use to dominate your opponents.

1. The Jump Throw

alias "+jumpthrow" "+jump;-attack"; alias "-jumpthrow" "-jump"; bind alt "+jumpthrow"

Hotkey: Alt

2. Volume Increase When Shift Walking

alias +incvol "incrementvar volume 0 2 0.5;+speed";alias -incvol "incrementvar volume 0 2 -0.5;-speed";bind SHIFT +incvol

Hotkey: Holding SHIFT

3. Quickly Mute & Unmute Voice Chat

bindtoggle "i" "voice_enable"

Hotkey: I

4. Quick Grenade Throws

bind z "use weapon_flashbang"; bind x "use weapon_smokegrenade"; bind c "use weapon_hegrenade"; bind v "use weapon_molotov;use weapon_incgrenade"


  • C = HE Grenade
  • Z = Flashbang
  • X = Smoke Grenade
  • V = Molotov / Incendiary Grenade

5. Quick Bomb Drop

bind b "use weapon_knife; use weapon_c4; drop; slot1"

Hotkey: B

6. Clear Decals While Moving (Or At The Click Of A Button)

To clear decals when moving around:

bind w "+forward;r_cleardecals";bind a "+moveleft;r_cleardecals";bind s "+back;r_cleardecals";bind d "+moveright;r_cleardecals"

Hotkey: WASD

Or use this to clear decals by pressing N:

bind n "r_cleardecals"

Hotkey: N

7. Easy Bunnyhop

bind MWHEELDOWN +jump

Hotkey: When Scrolling Down

8. Quick Switch To Your Last Weapon Or Toggle Knife

Open up Notepad, and copy and paste the code below.

alias +knife slot3
alias -knife lastinv
bind q +knife

Once completed, "Save as type" and set it to "All Files", and name it "holdq.cfg"

Copy and paste this into your CS:GO cfg config folder:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\STEAMID\730\local\cfg

Go into game, open up console (~) and type in:

exec holdq

Hotkey: Q

Please note: You can easily change the buttons assigned to these binds by replacing the hotkey with the one you desire.

1. The Jump Throw

Here is an example of a jump throw in action:

Copy and paste this into the developer's console (~):

alias "+jumpthrow" "+jump;-attack"; alias "-jumpthrow" "-jump"; bind alt "+jumpthrow"

Hotkey: Alt

The jump throw will most likely be the most used keybind on this list, due to its incredible efficiency and uses.

Having a well-coordinated team that knows great smoke spots will allow you to take sites more easily, and allow you to control the map.

Some smoke spots and flashbangs need proper placement, with a perfect jump throw (throwing the smoke/flashbang at the peak of your jump.

With the jump throw key bind, you can have a perfect jump throw every single time.

2. Volume Increase When Shift Walking

Copy and paste this into the developer's console (~):

alias +incvol "incrementvar volume 0 2 0.5;+speed";alias -incvol "incrementvar volume 0 2 -0.5;-speed";bind SHIFT +incvol

Hotkey: Holding SHIFT

Have you ever been in a situation where you were the last man standing?

Tensions are high, your teammates are silent and you're desperately trying to hear something, hoping to get some sort of information.

That's where this key bind comes in.

Whenever you walk, your volume will increase automatically, allowing you to focus on hearing when you might not have heard it before.

3. Quickly Mute & Unmute Voice Chat

Copy and paste this into the developer's console (~):

bindtoggle "i" "voice_enable"

Hotkey: I

This keybind allows you to mute and unmute the voice chat at will.

If you have ever been in a clutch situation and had your team chatting your ear off (or worse; trying to tell you what to do) then this keybind will be a God send.

Combining this with the "volume increase when shift walking" will allow you to have full concentration when clutching.

No distractions from your teammates, and while simultaneously increasing your volume to help hear your sound.

If you have good teammates who know to shut up when you're clutching, this keybind won't be needed.

Unfortunately, if you're solo queueing, more often than not this keybind will be used often.

4. Quick Grenade Throws

Copy and paste this into the developer's console (~):

bind z "use weapon_flashbang"; bind x "use weapon_smokegrenade"; bind c "use weapon_hegrenade"; bind v "use weapon_molotov;use weapon_incgrenade"

When pressing the following hotkeys on your keyboard, you will throw:

  • C = HE Grenade
  • Z = Flashbang
  • X = Smoke Grenade
  • V = Molotov / Incendiary Grenade

If you would like to assign the hotkey to something else, then simply swap the letters out to your desired letter.

On full buys, you are most likely maxing out the number of grenades you have...

So instead of having to cycle through your grenades, you can easily pull it out by pressing any of the following hotkeys.

You may not realize it, but it can potentially be the difference between defending successfully or being caught out of position.

Those seconds wasted cycling through your grenades can allow your opponent to establish a strong position.

Not to mention you might cycle 1 too far and have to go through it again. It happens.

This will save you a ton of time and allow you to chuck any grenade automatically after pressing a single button.


5. Quick Bomb Drop

Copy and paste this into the developer's console (~):

bind b "use weapon_knife; use weapon_c4; drop; slot1"

Hotkey: B

As you can tell, these keybinds are designed to save you seconds of time which can be the deciding factor in many firefights, and this is the case for the quick bomb drop bind too.

You would usually be using this when you're on the T side, before pushing a site to prevent the enemy from knowing where the bomb is.

You would also want to use this during rotations if a site is compromised and you need to drop the bomb to your teammate whilst simultaneously running.

If you are the AWPer of your team, this will allow you to drop the bomb whilst get an increase in speed.

6. Clear Decals While Moving (Or At The Click Of A Button)

Copy and paste this into the developer's console (~):

Clear decals automatically when you move (pressing WASD).

bind w "+forward;r_cleardecals";bind a "+moveleft;r_cleardecals";bind s "+back;r_cleardecals";bind d "+moveright;r_cleardecals"

Hotkey: WASD (Any movement)

Clears decals whenever you press 'N'.

bind n "r_cleardecals"

Hotkey: N

Most of the time when you're pushing into unknown territory, you are waiting for the slightest glimpse of your enemy so you can react appropriately.

They could be hiding in sneaky spots, and they could be far away from you, yet you just can't see them.

Clearing your decals constantly will constantly remove bullet holes and bloodstains that have occurred around the map.

This will allow you to see your enemies clearer and can clear up certain spots in case you need to line up some grenade throws.

It gives you a small advantage and will allow you to react better.

7. Easy Bunnyhop

Copy and paste this into the developer's console (~):

bind MWHEELDOWN +jump

Hotkey: Scrolling Down

As a CS:GO player, it's inevitable that you have to learn how to bunny hop.

Bunny hopping is a skill that is specific to the CS and has been around for the longest time.

I've been using this bind since Counter-Strike: 1.6, which I have carried over from Source to CS:GO to other FPS games that have a bhop mechanic.

Bunny hopping can be a fun side thing you do when you're moving out.

Learning how to bunny hop effectively will inevitably help your positioning, especially as an AWPer, making you harder to hit.

It can also give you a small boost to catch your enemies off guard. A moving target is harder to hit than a stationary one.

8. Quick Switch To Your Last Weapon Or Toggle Knife

Open up Notepad, and copy and paste the code below:

alias +knife slot3 alias -knife lastinv bind q +knife

Once completed, "Save as type" and set it to "All Files", and name it "holdq.cfg"

Copy and paste this into your CS:GO cfg config folder:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\STEAMID\730\local\cfg

Go into the game, open up the developer's console (~) and type in:

exec holdq

Hotkey: Q

By default, when you press 'Q', you will switch to the weapon you previously had.

With this key bind, the default function will stay the same, just with an added twist.

Here's how it works:

  1. Holding the key down = Pulls out your knife so you can run with it
  2. Releasing the key = Switches back to your previous weapon

By now you should be able to determine where this can be useful.

If you're an AWPer, after taking a shot you can quickly tap 'Q' and unscope, instead of staying scoped in.

Changing to your knife after scoping can give you that needed movement speed to change positions quickly.

If you tried to take a shot, and are caught out of position, instead of tapping 'Q', you can hold it instead, allowing you to reposition with the increased movement speed of holding your knife.


When adding any new key bind to your arsenal, it's important you take the time out to practice using these key binds effectively.

Once efficient and drilled into your muscle memory, your gameplay will improve a lot, and you will make fewer mistakes which in turn will allow you to win more.

Many of these key binds are no-brainers, with others you may not have even heard of before.

Regardless, it's not necessary to use them all, but if you see the value in them, then by all means give them a go.

If you end up using any of these key binds and have great success with them, comment down below and let us know of your experience!

Happy gaming 😊.

Article written by Lorenzo
Since the age of 6, Lorenzo has enjoyed gaming on computers. Having grown up in the digital age, the technology revolves around him. He enjoyed growing up gaming throughout his high school years and is now a young adult who does most of his work on his computer. Lorenzo's mission is to make buying products and building PC's an easy and fun experience for all.

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